


Check out more of my pinned projects on GitHub - see you there! 👨🏾‍💻

Successfully implemented and deployed an interactive campground application that enables users to register, share, and explore their individual campground experiences

Tech Stack: EJS, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Passport.js, Cloudinary, Mapbox SDK, Model-View-Controller (MVC) Framework, Render Web Hosting

An interactive web application that fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing within the geo-tech engineering community. It features user-friendly content creation and added search functionality that is tailored to the needs of industry professionals and wider enthusiasts.

Tech Stack: Next.js, React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, NextAuth.js, Prisma, PostgreSQL database hosted on Railway, Vercel Cloud Deployment

A rating app that features authentication, real-time fetching of popular movies and TV shows from the TMDB API, and a personalized rating functionality to enhance user experience

Tech Stack: Vite, React, TypeScript, Tanstack, Semantic UI, React-Router-Dom, TMBD API, Vercel

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